Range of applicaion
When systematically going into depth with his discoveries, Moshe Feldenkrais found very specific possibilities for its application. He developed two kinds of teaching organinc learning: Awareness through Movement (ATM) and Functional Integration (FI).
Often within a short period of time and when applied correctly - improved „sensomotoric capabilities“ will be developed. That means changes in perception and movement patters become available . which often meet our clients as a surprise and joyful act. Often a feeling of lightness occurs. (Initial worsening cannot always be excluded).
Feldenkrais-method is suitable for all people ... from baby state up to higher age ... who are willing to enrich their everyday life by learning new behavioural patterns.
In the following we list fields for possible application of Feldenkrais-method. The complaints can be either acute or chronical ones. In case of disease and pain a preliminary medical consultaion or diagnosis is advised. Feldenkrais-method is not a medical, therapeutical concept, but rather a method of learning initiated by the body itsself.
Learning - redirecting:
Pain in musculosceletal system (back, neck, knees, hips, feet, etc.) Whiplash To dissolve protective postures General muscular tension (including jaws) Trauma (development of a new body image)
Learning again and anew:
After accidents (even with changes in body physiology) After operations (often tissue is impaired – e.g. broken bones, artificial hip joints, after orthopaedic regulation of teeth – movement patterns have to be learnt anew) Certain neurological impairments (e.g. after stroke, movement impairments – reorganization of behavioral patters)
Learning – enlarging potential:
The broad range of all sports activities ( including mass and high performance sports) The whole range of instrumental music, singing, dance, art and actor’s performance Personal development, stress management and self-management